I've decided to include a Brand/Company of the Month into my little space on the internet to cater to all of the wonderful brands and companies I have come across. Due to many commercial brands and companies taking the spotlight, many small ones go unnoticed which is a shame really, since there are so many hidden gems out there, you just need to divide the sea of commercial companies to find them.
Today, I will starting it all of by talking about Bee Mercy.
I stumbled across this little company when I was looking for raw honey to wash my face with and to use in DIY masks (I also sneakily eat some too, hehehe). It seems that raw honey is hard to find in the UK; or is it just me? Nah, could never be me.
Bee Mercy is a company that makes different kinds of raw honey, it was very surprising and confusing to see so many different kinds of honey with flavours like Lavender, Oak, Rosemary and Thyme. I pondered as to why this company had rosemary honey. Would it taste like rosemary? It turns out that in order to make rosemary honey, the bees collect the pollen made from rosemary and turn it into honey. It's not the honey being made and then infused with rosemary, like what I was thinking. It is very interesting, and it really makes you realise just how amazing bees really are.
I ended up buying the Thyme honey and it came with a little sample of Rosemary honey! They must have read my mind. The Thyme honey came in a 500g jar with a honeycomb indent around the top of it (very pretty and nice detail) whilst the Rosemary honey came in a little glass jar which I now use for making my own DIY honey lip scrubs and lip balms, it's very handy.
The texture of the Rosemary honey was thicker than the Thyme honey and was lighter in colour. Rosemary honey is more of a sunshine yellow whilst the Thyme honey is more of a burgundy colour. They both taste completely different and I wished I had bought the Rosemary honey instead because I liked the flavour of that one more. Shame mine's all gone now though. sadface.
I'm so glad that I found this company because the supermarket honey taste the same to me, and after finding out what they do to the honey, I'm never buying it again.
The reason why I prefer raw honey to store bought honey is because there is nothing taken out and all of the components are still there like vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. Store bought honey is heated to a high temperature to pasteurise it; which kills off any of the nutrients inside of honey, is often blended with other honeys (I wondered why it all tasted the same) and is sometimes blended with sugar to enhance the sweetness (which makes absolutely no sense to me). I highly recommend trying out raw honey because it's how nature intended it to be, raw and natural, not heated to high temperatures.
Another thing I love about this company is the fact that they are trying to stop the use of so many chemical pesticides which are killing off the bees. I think it is a wonderful cause, and with every purchase, you are sent a card that you can fill in and post to join the fight in protecting the bees; because without them, we would have no flowers and many kinds of foods like apples, grapes and pears, it would also cost the taxpayer more to manually pollinate the landscape than it would to save the bees who do it for free, so it is a noble cause. And bees are cute and make a wonderful sweet treat. <3
Bee Mercy have, in order to promote being bee friendly, created a seed ball that you can plant to promote bees from entering your garden. All of the seed balls are packed with bee friendly wildflowers, clay and chili powders to keep away seed predators like ants, mice and birds which makes for growing these plants easy.
With every purchase, two of these seed balls are included, so start planting! Well.. apart from me. Everything I touch dies so I won't be planting anything. Though, Garrie's mum likes to utilise this flaw by making me her primary weed pickerer. :D
Have any of you tried raw honey? If not, have I convinced you into doing so? Comment below!
Chelcie's Diary
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Sunday, 2 March 2014
Mini Haul and Review!
I have been on a shopping frenzy for Korean and Japanese products
lately. There's so much to choose from and to want, yet not enough
money. :( But today two little packages came in, one with a set of Dolly
Wink eyelashes in No.3 Natural Girly, and another one with 2 sets of
eyelashes from Etude House and a Moistfull Mask.
Those Dolly Wink lashes cost me a fortune! But it's all worth it, they're pretty and I'm definitely getting another pair. I love how there are two sets of lashes with the Dolly Wink. I have yet to try them, but I can't wait!
Today I tried out the Etude House Moistfull Mask.
I had been meaning to get my hands on one of these for a while now, as I've only had one other mask before this one. It was from My Beauty Diary and I loved it! So I wanted to try one from Etude House because I love their cosmetics.
using My Beauty Diary face mask, my skin cleared up a lot and
moisturised it which I needed. My skin looked dull and I had horrible
flaky bits of dry skin so the mask was a great pick-me-up for my skin.
My skin started going back to it's normal state after a while, so I
decided to get another one.
After taking it out of it's packaging, it felt wet like the My Beauty Diary mask, so I had a good feeling that it would be really moisturising. The mask also had a faint floral scent, but once you put it one, there was no smell at all which was good.
putting the mask on, it felt moisturising and cooling, very relaxing. I also went
into my sisters room with it on and woke her up, she jumped at the sight
of me. I'm such a great sister. I also have to ask, do Asians have long faces?
Because whenever I buy these, they always seem to be too long. :P And
they have HUGE eye holes as well.
Anyway I waited for 10-15 minutes and after taking it off and massaging in the rest of the moisture on my face, I didn't see or feel much of a difference. My forehead was moisturised, but I could still feel some dry patches and the solution on that mask was very sticky, it didn't feel nice so I had to wash my hands afterwards.
Overall, I'd say it's a good enough product for the price. But, it didn't work for me, so I will be continuing the search!
Those Dolly Wink lashes cost me a fortune! But it's all worth it, they're pretty and I'm definitely getting another pair. I love how there are two sets of lashes with the Dolly Wink. I have yet to try them, but I can't wait!
I like the Etude House Side and Long lashes (The black ones) and I think I could use them a dramatic bottom lashes, who knows?
I had been meaning to get my hands on one of these for a while now, as I've only had one other mask before this one. It was from My Beauty Diary and I loved it! So I wanted to try one from Etude House because I love their cosmetics.
Ignore the ugly background. :P
After taking it out of it's packaging, it felt wet like the My Beauty Diary mask, so I had a good feeling that it would be really moisturising. The mask also had a faint floral scent, but once you put it one, there was no smell at all which was good.
I vant to eat ur brainz~! I look like something out of a horror movie. :P And excuse the hair, I just had a shower.
Anyway I waited for 10-15 minutes and after taking it off and massaging in the rest of the moisture on my face, I didn't see or feel much of a difference. My forehead was moisturised, but I could still feel some dry patches and the solution on that mask was very sticky, it didn't feel nice so I had to wash my hands afterwards.
Overall, I'd say it's a good enough product for the price. But, it didn't work for me, so I will be continuing the search!
Sunday, 23 February 2014
A Date at the Llama Park, OOTD and New Slippers!
Today, the boyfriend and I went to the Llama Park situated near the Ashdown Forest outside of Crowborough. It doesn't look like much from the outside, but it truly is a nice place. They even have their own publicity llama called Tom (picture below, a very handsome fella'). I love llamas, I think they're so cute. <3

This little farm hosts llamas, alpacas, donkeys, reindeer, chickens and roosters, and even have their own shop. All of the clothes, shoes and hats bought in the shop are either made from leather or alpaca wool and I must say, alpaca wool is incredibly soft, even softer than sheep wool.
I went to the shop a few months back and eyed up (felt up) a pair of slippers. They were incredibly soft! I think they were £30 at the time and I really wanted to take them home with me, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Today we went back to actually explore around the park because last time we couldn't due to bad weather. We went into the shop, I didn't know if they still stocked them or not because the Christmas period is over and they would start to bring in the new stock. Then, I saw them, sitting on the cabinet, calling out to me. I begged (commanded) that Garrie get them for me, which he very politely did. And guess what? They were on SALE! For £23.89, I just had to have them. It was fate. I have to say, that they are a very good investment. They are sooo comfy! I'll never take them off.
Now time for some slipper porn. ohyeah...
This is what I'm wearing today. I didn't include the boots because they are so muddy after walking around the llama park, so instead, I included the slippers. ;)

This little farm hosts llamas, alpacas, donkeys, reindeer, chickens and roosters, and even have their own shop. All of the clothes, shoes and hats bought in the shop are either made from leather or alpaca wool and I must say, alpaca wool is incredibly soft, even softer than sheep wool.
I went to the shop a few months back and eyed up (felt up) a pair of slippers. They were incredibly soft! I think they were £30 at the time and I really wanted to take them home with me, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Today we went back to actually explore around the park because last time we couldn't due to bad weather. We went into the shop, I didn't know if they still stocked them or not because the Christmas period is over and they would start to bring in the new stock. Then, I saw them, sitting on the cabinet, calling out to me. I begged (commanded) that Garrie get them for me, which he very politely did. And guess what? They were on SALE! For £23.89, I just had to have them. It was fate. I have to say, that they are a very good investment. They are sooo comfy! I'll never take them off.
Now time for some slipper porn. ohyeah...
They're so purdy.
It seems they are made by a brand called Jyoti. Never heard of them, but I like the slippers.
The soles are made from rubber, very sturdy.
Here is me modeling the slippers. Oh so chic.
This is what I'm wearing today. I didn't include the boots because they are so muddy after walking around the llama park, so instead, I included the slippers. ;)
The dress is from H&M and the cardigan is from Dorothy Perkins.
Maybe it wasn't the best idea to wear a dress today due to the high winds, but I felt pretty today so I wanted to wear a dress. And I was told by Garrie that I flashed a little boy whilst washing my hands after touching a donkey. Oops. Poor boy. Scarred for life.
But anyway, onto the story! Due to the very bad weather we have been having, it was very muddy inside the park. We were given a map to navigate the area.
The green lines are the safe paths with little mud, and the red lines indicate the paths that you should go down AT YOUR OWN PERIL. Since Garrie and I are such rebel badasses, we went down them. What a mistake. We almost fell over a few times. I had to hold onto the wire fence to stop myself from slipping. A donkey ran over to tell me off and to get off his land. :( I thought he was being nice at first, wanting to be stroked. I stroked him, then he buggered off and wouldn't come back! It was probably a warning.
We also saw some reindeer, they weren't too exciting since none of them wouldn't come over. I bet they have been hardwired to only come over when there are children around. I look like a child. A woman child. ;) They probably knew. Smart asses.
One was falling asleep, it looked like he was the head of the herd. His antlers were huge! I always wonder if they use them other than for fighting, and if they can feel if someone touches them. Well, I got one thing right. This one liked to use his a head rest. I would have got a picture, but I was too busy having fun and keeping myself upright.
Garrie commented on how agile and light footed he was at dodging the stodgy mud. I quickly came back with "Yeah, like an elephant." It's so great that he has a great sense of humour, and it was such a great day, I had so much fun. We were laughing together a lot. Honestly, if he brought me here on our first date, I would have been so impressed. I don't like "romantic" dates of going to a restaurant, you can't really act like yourself. I find those sort of dates too stuffy and so many girls dress up too much and wear so much makeup, more so than they usually would. It kind of defeats the purpose of dating to find the right person, because you want the person to know who you really are, not a fake persona to impress. It's false advertising; like a push-up bra. ;)
When Garrie and I went on our first date, it was at the pier in Brighton and we both wore very casual clothing. I wore jeans, a t-shirt and flat shoes. I only wore as much makeup as I usually would (light foundation and mascara). I wanted to impress him, but didn't want to look like a made up doll because that's not how I usually look. I wanted him to like me for how I look normally. Which he did like me for.
I also acted like myself. I was making jokes because I think I'm hilarious (which I AM), but he didn't laugh that much. I commented on it later and he replied, with the EXACT words: "I didn't know you were making jokes. Or maybe you're just not that funny?" Luckily for me, I can tell a joke when it was being told, and I found it hilarious.
On that day I tried out bubble tea for the second time. I didn't like it very much on the first try, so I thought I'd try it again. He paid for it, which was nice, but I ended up hating it. I'm not a bubble tea fan. Those tapioca balls make me feel a bit sick. He tried some too and said it was vile. Oh well.
We then went to the American candy shop in The Laines and bought some of the Toxic Waste sour sweets. We both tried them and OHMYGAWD they were horrible. So sour! We both made really funny faces and ended up spitting them out. He commented on me wasting his hard earned money by spitting it out.
We then went to the mini casino near the beach, because he likes gambling. He played on the slot machines and ended up winning nothing. So smooth. We then went to the beach and sat down for an hour or so to talk to watch the ocean. And that was it. He took me home and we said our goodbyes. We didn't kiss on the first date, I find it a bit uncouth. But we set up a few other dates afterwards and on the fourth date, Fathers Day last year, we got together and had our first kiss. Yaaay!
I can't believe it's been almost a year since we got together. It's been so fast. Just a few months now until a full year.
What is your example of a perfect date and how would you look? If you have a boyfriend, how did your first date go? Was it fun or awkward? Leave a comment below! :)
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