Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Brand/Company of the Month: Bee Mercy

I've decided to include a Brand/Company of the Month into my little space on the internet to cater to all of the wonderful brands and companies I have come across. Due to many commercial brands and companies taking the spotlight, many small ones go unnoticed which is a shame really, since there are so many hidden gems out there, you just need to divide the sea of commercial companies to find them.

Today, I will starting it all of by talking about Bee Mercy.

I stumbled across this little company when I was looking for raw honey to wash my face with and to use in DIY masks (I also sneakily eat some too, hehehe). It seems that raw honey is hard to find in the UK; or is it just me? Nah, could never be me.

Bee Mercy is a company that makes different kinds of raw honey, it was very surprising and confusing to see so many different kinds of honey with flavours like Lavender, Oak, Rosemary and Thyme. I pondered as to why this company had rosemary honey. Would it taste like rosemary? It turns out that in order to make rosemary honey, the bees collect the pollen made from rosemary and turn it into honey. It's not the honey being made and then infused with rosemary, like what I was thinking. It is very interesting, and it really makes you realise just how amazing bees really are.

I ended up buying the Thyme honey and it came with a little sample of Rosemary honey! They must have read my mind. The Thyme honey came in a 500g jar with a honeycomb indent around the top of it (very pretty and nice detail) whilst the Rosemary honey came in a little glass jar which I now use for making my own DIY honey lip scrubs and lip balms, it's very handy.

The texture of the Rosemary honey was thicker than the Thyme honey and was lighter in colour. Rosemary honey is more of a sunshine yellow whilst the Thyme honey is more of a burgundy colour. They both taste completely different and I wished I had bought the Rosemary honey instead because I liked the flavour of that one more. Shame mine's all gone now though. sadface.

I'm so glad that I found this company because the supermarket honey taste the same to me, and after finding out what they do to the honey, I'm never buying it again.
The reason why I prefer raw honey to store bought honey is because there is nothing taken out and all of the components are still there like vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants. Store bought honey is heated to a high temperature to pasteurise it; which kills off any of the nutrients inside of honey, is often blended with other honeys (I wondered why it all tasted the same) and is sometimes blended with sugar to enhance the sweetness (which makes absolutely no sense to me). I highly recommend trying out raw honey because it's how nature intended it to be, raw and natural, not heated to high temperatures.

Another thing I love about this company is the fact that they are trying to stop the use of so many chemical pesticides which are killing off the bees. I think it is a wonderful cause, and with every purchase, you are sent a card that you can fill in and post to join the fight in protecting the bees; because without them, we would have no flowers and many kinds of foods like apples, grapes and pears, it would also cost the taxpayer more to manually pollinate the landscape than it would to save the bees who do it for free, so it is a noble cause. And bees are cute and make a wonderful sweet treat. <3

Bee Mercy have, in order to promote being bee friendly, created a seed ball that you can plant to promote bees from entering your garden. All of the seed balls are packed with bee friendly wildflowers, clay and chili powders to keep away seed predators like ants, mice and birds which makes for growing these plants easy.
With every purchase, two of these seed balls are included, so start planting! Well.. apart from me. Everything I touch dies so I won't be planting anything. Though, Garrie's mum likes to utilise this flaw by making me her primary weed pickerer. :D

Have any of you tried raw honey? If not, have I convinced you into doing so? Comment below!

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